Help us provide high-quality homes and green spaces at Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury

  • 114 high-quality family and affordable homes
  • 4 serviced self-build plots
  • Beautifully designed homes from Redrow’s Heritage Collection, inspired by the Arts and Crafts movement
  • Retained and enhanced woodland habitats
  • Desirable village location south of Shrewsbury
  • Easy access to dedicated cycle path into Shrewsbury
  • Short walk to schools, nurseries, and bus routes
  • 20 minute bike ride to Shrewsbury station
  • Site identified by Shropshire Council as a suitable location to contribute to local housing need in emerging Local Plan

Interested? Tell Shropshire Council of your support using our simple form

Show your support

Some of the house types proposed for Bayston Hill, from Redrow’s Heritage Collection inspired by the Arts and Crafts movement. Click image to open gallery.

Help us provide high-quality new homes on a site identified for the purpose south of Shrewsbury

Award-winning housebuilder, Redrow, has submitted plans to Shropshire Council to deliver a high-quality development of 114 homes beautifully designed homes and 4 serviced self-build plots on a site identified as being suitable for that purpose by the Council in their emerging new Local Plan.

The site is sustainably located on the edge of the village of Bayston Hill, a short bike ride from Shrewsbury along a dedicated cycle path. With schools, nurseries and bus routes into town on the doorstep, this development of high-quality homes and green spaces is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to Shropshire’s housing in a sensitive, sustainable, well- designed way.

How you can help

As Shropshire Council considers whether to permit this development to proceed, your support could help move the decision forward. Tell Shropshire Council of your support by completing the short form below. This will generate an email to the planning team at Shropshire Council.

View the planning application

If you would like to view the planning application documents in full, you can do so on the Shropshire Council planning portal here.

Get in touch

If you would welcome any further information or would like to get in touch, you can contact our team on 01225 667097 or

Other key benefits

  • A development including homes that can be adapted, if required, to meet the needs of those with mobility issues
  • The provision of homes designed for wheelchair users
  • Bungalows for those seeking to downsize into more manageable properties
  • Affordable homes, providing opportunities for those on lower incomes to secure a home of their own
  • A play area set within new landscaped public open space
  • Biodiversity enhancements through the planting of new habitat and hedgerows

Site location

Proposed plan for the site

Proposed plan for the site

Proposed plan for the site - click to enlarge

Tell Shropshire Council of your support

Your details are required by Shropshire Council to enable them to consider it as a formal representation. They will not be used for any marketing or other purposes. If you would like to be kept updated on the plans as they move forward, including launch of marketing, please tick the box at the end of the form.




Email address

I support this proposed development because...

Please select one

When submitted, the form will automatically generate an email to Shropshire Council in the following format:

Subject line: Planning ref 24/00765/FUL – Representation of support

Dear Shropshire Council planners,

I would like to indicate my support for the planning application reference 24/00765/FUL for land west of Lyth Hill Road, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury.

I support this planning application because your reason for support as indicated above

I would ask that you consider this representation as formal consultation response in support of the planning application as a decision is considered.

Yours sincerely,

Your name
Your address
Your postcode
Your email address

Your personal information is captured, held and processed by Participatr Limited for the purposes of this project only. Participatr Limited has created and launched this engagement platform on behalf of Sulis Public Affairs for Redrow, and we collectively make decisions about how personal information is captured, held, processed and analysed, meaning that we are joint data controllers for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Your personal details are used to generate an expression of support for the planning application and by submitting this form they will be sent to Shropshire Council and stored on our database for reference purposes only. Once the planning application is determined, your personal information will be deleted from Participatr Limited's database but will remain on public record with Shropshire Council. For more information about how we use your personal information, please visit our privacy policy.